Elizabeth Gilbert 685 words, 25K views, 13 comments
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On May 30, 2016Anna wrote :
To me creative living is feeling spiritually connected to nature, to the universe, and to all mankind. I have had moments of such joy in experiencing that connectedness, of knowing that I am in the right place at the right time and at peace with the universe. In those moments I have felt the warmth of joy and of just letting go.
Unfortunately those moments do not come often enough. I feel so disconnected by the humdrum of each day's obligations, duties and chores. I long to be free, to feel the breeze of the wind and the warmth of a setting sun, to pull me out of this stagnating life.
On May 30, 2016 Anna wrote :
To me creative living is feeling spiritually connected to nature, to the universe, and to all mankind. I have had moments of such joy in experiencing that connectedness, of knowing that I am in the right place at the right time and at peace with the universe. In those moments I have felt the warmth of joy and of just letting go.
Unfortunately those moments do not come often enough. I feel so disconnected by the humdrum of each day's obligations, duties and chores. I long to be free, to feel the breeze of the wind and the warmth of a setting sun, to pull me out of this stagnating life.