Barbara Brown Taylor 581 words, 24K views, 14 comments
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On Apr 29, 2016Jagdish P Dave wrote :
To me peonouncing a blessing is to remain open and pay attention to what is, not how it should be, could be or would be. Seeing whatever clearly with bare attention, with its unfolding presence, is a miaracle. When I saw the face of a child in a class room filled with sadness, I stopped walking and sat beside him. I held his hands compassionately and said softly " You look sad". He sat quietly. I gave him space to be himself. Slowly he started crying. Hie eyes were filled with tears.I held his hands tenderly letting him feel I am with him.I felt his pain.These were very precious moments of intimacy transcending the age, he beinfg 8 years old and me being 90 years old. These were sacred moments unfolding oneness between two beings. To me it was a miracle. Slowlty we started breathing together, feeling more connected. Slowly a smile dawned upon his face and he said gently 'Thank you." I palced my hand on his head and blessed him. We made each other's day. That little boy filled my heart with joyful gratitude. He gave me his blessing.
Such expereinces happen quite often in my daily life. Such expereinces blossom my heart. They bring necotr- like sweetness.If we keep our mind and heart open and learn to live mindfully, our life itself becomes a blessing to us and to others.
May our everyday be filled with blessings. Namaste.
On Apr 29, 2016 Jagdish P Dave wrote :
To me peonouncing a blessing is to remain open and pay attention to what is, not how it should be, could be or would be. Seeing whatever clearly with bare attention, with its unfolding presence, is a miaracle. When I saw the face of a child in a class room filled with sadness, I stopped walking and sat beside him. I held his hands compassionately and said softly " You look sad". He sat quietly. I gave him space to be himself. Slowly he started crying. Hie eyes were filled with tears.I held his hands tenderly letting him feel I am with him.I felt his pain.These were very precious moments of intimacy transcending the age, he beinfg 8 years old and me being 90 years old. These were sacred moments unfolding oneness between two beings. To me it was a miracle. Slowlty we started breathing together, feeling more connected. Slowly a smile dawned upon his face and he said gently 'Thank you." I palced my hand on his head and blessed him. We made each other's day. That little boy filled my heart with joyful gratitude. He gave me his blessing.
Such expereinces happen quite often in my daily life. Such expereinces blossom my heart. They bring necotr- like sweetness.If we keep our mind and heart open and learn to live mindfully, our life itself becomes a blessing to us and to others.
May our everyday be filled with blessings. Namaste.
Jagdish P Dave