Moussa Ag Assarid 594 words, 71K views, 23 comments
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On Dec 20, 2015david doane wrote :
I felt some jealousy of Moussa Ag Assarid regarding the simple, basic, pristine experience of which he speaks. I've had some brief moments of happiness in the midst of nature. For example, time I've been in a heavy snow fall when there is no traffic, only the sounds of nature, no one around, and I felt enveloped in snow falling, wind blowing, and cold air. I felt alone with nature, close with nature, part of nature, and I felt happiness and some awe in the midst of nature. Such moments are deepening and special. Meditation, early in the morning before the sun comes up and before traffic and other human noises of the day begin, is a time that supports my being immersed in calmness and facilitates and supports my entering a space in which I meet my individuality as simultaneously part of universality. Such meditation moments are also deepening and special. I'm remembering Paschal's saying that "all men's miseries derive from not being able to sit in a quiet room alone." I think being in the midst of nature is even better.
On Dec 20, 2015 david doane wrote :
I felt some jealousy of Moussa Ag Assarid regarding the simple, basic, pristine experience of which he speaks. I've had some brief moments of happiness in the midst of nature. For example, time I've been in a heavy snow fall when there is no traffic, only the sounds of nature, no one around, and I felt enveloped in snow falling, wind blowing, and cold air. I felt alone with nature, close with nature, part of nature, and I felt happiness and some awe in the midst of nature. Such moments are deepening and special. Meditation, early in the morning before the sun comes up and before traffic and other human noises of the day begin, is a time that supports my being immersed in calmness and facilitates and supports my entering a space in which I meet my individuality as simultaneously part of universality. Such meditation moments are also deepening and special. I'm remembering Paschal's saying that "all men's miseries derive from not being able to sit in a quiet room alone." I think being in the midst of nature is even better.