Wow!! powerful story- I would like to believe I would have done the same. I do not know.
I did have family in Nazi concentration camps and some survived. I never heard any story about who helped them survive.
The first memory I had with the prompt of "taking the hit" was from my high school football practice. I was a senior and one of the coaches in my opinion was treating a sophomore player badly, verbally abusing him. I spoke up for the kid that the coach was being overly rough with. When thew coach got me alone in the locker room he slammed me against a locker and told me to never question his authority again. I am 75 now and Neil the other kid is 73 and we still have a sweet warm friendship and we reconnected with the coach who we discovered thru facebook had come to grips with his alcoholism and runs rehab programs still in his 80's.
Another part of my life , a few years later. I had hitch hiked across US several times and had mostly wonderful experiences and successful free travel. Then I bought a car a drove my Golden Volvo from East to West coast. I picked up 3 separate men who had just left prisons or mental hospitals and shared food and sleeping situations with them.
There is some connection between the Polish story and my experiences of helping others.
End of Search Results
On Dec 10, 2024David Doane wrote :
Beautiful and meaningful stories and examples -- thank you.
On Dec 10, 2024Susan wrote :
Thank you for standing up for that fellow athlete and for continuing to live your life this way.
On Dec 13, 2024shyam wrote :
Thankyou for standing up for someone weaker than you , against someone stronger than you. It requires courage and inner strength to do such a thing
On Dec 9, 2024 Stream wrote :