Mind and body are united. They are two sides of the same coin. Believing mind and body are separate creates dichotomy, a big gulf between body and mind and creates psychosomatic division. I have been learning Functional Medicine or Holistic Medicine. I have been developing scientifc understang of the union of body and mind. What we do affects our mind and what we think affects our body. They are dynamically connected. If I see a medical doctor he or she asks me queations about my body. If I see a mind doctor, he or she asks me queations about my mind. Believing and practicing Mind-body are disunited is sadly very prevelant. Glad to know that there is a movement to realate to body and mind in an integrated way. Ayurveda is an ancient wholistic health paradigm which is based on the unity and interaction of body and mind.
Stress affects body and mind. I learned abot this as I was growing up. I learned from my father how Astanga Yoga and concenric meditation buld a body-mind bridge, a union between body and mind.
I strongly believe in this holisic paradigm and impelementing it has extended my life span. Keeping my mind and heart open and practicing what creats and sustains my holisic-physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual well-being- has been very helpful to me. It is the action that counts, not just reading, writing and talking.
Jagdish P Dave
On Aug 13, 2024BarbaraS. wrote :
Yes, I so agree! Mind/Body are connected with well-being.
On Aug 9, 2024 Jagdish P Dave wrote :