Repeated failures in Life made me silent and attentive to reality and assists me to stay with my Mess and yet learn to not give in to self loathing. Instead learn to love all of me. Only this way of being will help us understand the mammoth of emotional energy flowing in others as they manage to preserve their self worth through brutal world we have made outside.
My day dreaming is assisting me to show how it is possible to live in such harsh conditions with Love and give subtle tweaks to the layer of reality leading to saner results.
I am an artist of Life learning the way to co-author my life with God.
I realised to drop all assumptions about future and my own self, first.
Meet reality without assumptions like justice happens, good wins, judging about karmas of my own as well as others
I remember to live focusing on my work while engaging with world in a meaningful and a sane way by being more conscious of my actions by thoughts, speech, and behaviour.
To learn to remain loving in face of abuse, bullying, hostility, and rejection and not give in to poison. This is my present practice.
On Jun 11, 2024 Jay Sheth wrote :