Clarissa Pinkola Estes 844 words, 179K views, 56 comments
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On May 21, 2024Delvin Longie wrote :
This might not go hand in hand with ships. Though it is a reflection said in my own way. A poem for a poet. I might as well call it, Alone in the dark. A self reflection. By Delvin Longie.
Alone in the dark... The turtle emerges from its shell. Knowing its truth... Has always been with him. That his home... Was always carried with him. He shows it... Everywhere he travels. Sharing... His long journey with wisdom, and compassion. That profounds... Even the masses. Not knowing... Where he may go. Just knowing... That something is worthwhile doing. So as always... He starts with a bang. In a race... That he shouldn't win. Though victory... Is already achieved. Just by participating... He sets off to finish his race. Not too win... Delighting in the race itself. All whilst knowing... That home is never too far away. Just one step... He only ever needed. That was... Emerging from its shell. Blessings those... That get to witness it. Such a thing... That always was. Working... At his own pace. Competition... Never seen any as such. All... Are worthy of His love. All... Are worthy of His gracious ways. All... Are worthy of His light. Choice... Was always theirs. This one... It is for the One.
My native heritage... The turtle stands for the truth. What helps me... Is the One that was sent. Waited... for that touch. Just so... I can arise, and shine. Sharing... The good news. That... It was never a competition. Saved... Only by grace. So that... His light too can shine. Through... All that they may do.
HALLELUJAH. I had too add that for me. May you all be blessed. As I have been blessed. With something I say is beautiful.
On May 21, 2024 Delvin Longie wrote :