adrienne maree brown 520 words, 18K views, 12 comments
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On Mar 18, 2024Jagannatha Das wrote :
„Love. Love. Love. Love is all we need.“ Part of the lyrics from a song of The Beatles.
Many songs and poems and essays talk about the importance of love. In fact, the word love is probably being used by most people all over the world; however, the word love is being used to convey so many different meanings.
„I love your cake! It is delicious. How did you find the movie? I love it! I love you (as in I want to go to bed with you). Love for money is the root of all evil.“
Maybe I have to examine first what I think love love means to me before I start using it to move others. I think, how we understand love is essential to what our actions will be.
Agape. Unconditional love. Regardless of the situation or the people. To serve and to share whatever with each other as an expression of gratitude for being alive and witness to the wonders of life and nature.
I would love to see this happen!
On Mar 18, 2024 Jagannatha Das wrote :