adrienne maree brown 520 words, 18K views, 12 comments
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On Mar 15, 2024Jagdish P Dave wrote :
Love is the foundation of all thriving and deepening relationships. When we join our hearts, heads and hands together our life thrives and flourishes intrapersonally and interpersonally, in our families, communities and in oraganizations. As the author says," When we are engaged in acts of love, we humans are our best and most resilient." Love is the core foundation of all realtionships not only to survive but also to thrive. What I am saying is based on my personal experiences at all stages of relationships in my families, freinds, in my intimate relationaship, societal and professional relationships.
I have lived and grown in extended families all my life. I learnt the art of relating to differences by listening to each other with open ears, open mind and open heart. I have learnt to let go of my irrational, inflexible and rigid opinions and ideas and to be fluid and flexible and appreciative of ideas and opnions of other members of the family. I also learnt how to appreciate somebody's opinions and ideas which would be better than mine. Such a stance helped me grow menatally, emotionally, relationally and spiritually.
From my experiences I have learned how to grow deeper in my relationships. The core qualities of growing in my realtionships are unconditional love, empathic mind, compassionate heart, nonviolent communication, telling the truth and accepting my mistakes, forgiveness, gratefulness, and patience. It takes time and effort and mindfulness to cultivate deeper and fulfiling realtionships. It is wise to take time and be patient to enjoy the gifts of such deeper relationships.
May we all have such precious gifts to flourish and deepen our relationships!
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On Mar 20, 2024Michelle Nur Allah wrote :
So helpful! Especially about listening. I always feel love is the way and your steps in this love way are important. I especially want to remember to listen with compassion as I soon have a challenging discussion in may family. Many thanks! Peace to you.
On Mar 15, 2024 Jagdish P Dave wrote :