adrienne maree brown 520 words, 18K views, 12 comments
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On Mar 15, 2024David Doane wrote :
For me, love is oneness. In the largest sense, love is the oneness of all existence. Awareness of oneness means very much to me. When I live from that awareness in relation to myself, others, and all that is, I live and organize in love. In relating to those with very different political views than my own, I fail in living in love. I remind myself that though we are very different in viewpoints, we are one, and I still get myself agitated and distant very quickly -- I have a lot of work to do in that situation. What helps me go deeper in my relationships is awareness that we are different yet we are one and we have much more in common than is different. What also helps me is caring, listening, being respectful, and being open and honest, and awareness of oneness helps me with all that.
On Mar 15, 2024 David Doane wrote :