Neale Donald Walsch 592 words, 14K views, 25 comments
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On May 30, 2023Nancy wrote :
Yes, this is quite an unfortunate perspective of marriage.
There’s a Latin word, consonantia, defined musically as: all notes in their perfect distinctness are yet blended in one…
I find this definition befitting in marriage, as well.
There is harmony and beauty in creating something more than merely the sum of two parts.
End of Search Results
On May 31, 2023Javi wrote :
I couldn't agree more, you can't clap with one hand. Our personal experience (like that of the writer) is not the most accurate of all, only his.
If you have a friend from 40 years (that's useful for wives/husbands too), what's the point of leaving him:
You have to have some commitment with him/her, you like to be with him/her... that does not limit my world, it expands it. I can clap then.
If you cannot applaud, find a way to do it, do not mix personal, political or other inclinations... this makes your world smaller.
"You come to love not by finding the perfect person, but by seeing an imperfect person perfectly." – Sam Keen
that needs compomise and time,that finaly is the same.
On May 30, 2023 Nancy wrote :