I started an online daily Free Class for teaching yoga during the onslaught of Covid-19 mainly to ride over my confinement within the four walls of my flat in Baroda in India in April 2020. This daily class happens every day in the morning and has about 20 -25 participants. One day, a participant called me up to ask if his brother who is hard of hearing and cannot see properly can join the Chair Yoga class. I allowed this 75 year old differently abled person with a lot of skepticism about how can he participate in the yoga asanas and pranayamas that the class practices every day? I kept watching him for a few days. I saw him attempting to do some asanas looking at me and also practicing some breathing exercises. After about a month I talked to him and asked why he wishes to continue even when he cannot do what is expected of him in this class. He told me that he is thankful to the class mainly because he feels associated with all the members of the class and feels very happy when we play the music for meditation. Realising the fact that this virtual connection with others, though remotely, is what brings him to the class every day exactly at 7 a.m.
This daily class that completed three years last month has taught me that though I started this class to do away with my loneliness during Covid, it has created a community of people interested in curing some ailments like asthma, and controlling their diabetes, blood pressure etc. It has given me an opportunity to be in the company of these seniors who are older than me and come to the class as soon as I open my Google Meet. I may add that I am 82 and have been practicing yoga for over 20 years.
On May 24, 2023Barbara wrote :
Om, you are amazing. Teaching yoga at 82! I love your share. Often times we do things for ourselves with open hearts and affect others in a positive way.
On May 23, 2023 Om wrote :