Myself being someone that strongly believes in taking opportunities to be of service to others-- the statement by the author about the motivation , gave me pause. As I reflect on where my own motivation originates to join service clubs and donate my time as well as money, I realize it's because growing up as an immigrant in the US, I know how much it would have meant to our family and what a difference it would have made. To give of yourself to help another, makes such a tremendous impact. So I ask, does it really matter where the motivation originates? Because the impact is what resonates out into the world.
On May 19, 2023Barbara wrote :
Nika, I think motivation also matters. If we are being of service to others only to get accolades, then it's time to step back away from the service and re-evaluate ourselves. Even though your service is helping others, it 's not perhaps as it should be fully if our hearts are not in a good place. I was a volunteer at a food shelter for some time but stepped down as I saw many ungrateful people come in and I began to feel jaded and perhaps resentful to their greed so I could not participate anymore.
On May 19, 2023 Nika wrote :