Meg Wheatley and others describe the inevitable collapse of power-based civilizations, which end with those in power only looking out for their own interests, fame held by entertainers and sports stars. With an un-redeemable system, energy is better spent hospicing it than resuscitating it. My sense is that whatever new arises must be based on an expanded sense of self, of deep connection with other humans and with the natural world. From that way of living, we will see less strife and divisiveness, extraction replaced by restoration. Ilarion Merculieff's messages ring true for me, that individually we need to move from the head to the heart as the prime factor in decisions, with the head in support. On a societal level, we would do well to move to feminine leadership, with men supporting them. A common Unangan greeting translates as "hello, my other self." What I can do as an individual is to "live into" that future world that resonates for me.
On May 9, 2023Tiffany wrote :
This really resonates with me. I share this perspective. 💖🙏
On May 5, 2023 Sigurd wrote :