To be is always to "inter-be. This is good awakening call for me. It is a guiding star for me. We are all connected with each other. We do not have a seperate existence. We are intrinsically coneected not only with other human beings but also with animals and with nature. We are an intrinsic part of the whole. We do not have an independet and isolated existence. We are connected with each other and we all are one.
I was born by the union of two different human beings having two different identiies. For creating a new person in their life, they got united with each other and created a unified identity. I was raised in a family in which we felt deeply connected with each other. I never felt lonely. That was my experience and it built the foundation of my identity. Though we were relatively poor but we had inner abundance. I am grateful for receiving such precious gift coming from their hearts.
There have been times when I have missed the steps of living as an interbeing person. Living that way caused suffereing in me and I others related to me. Suffering helped me walk on the path of inter being. I have learned to look within to be aware of my limitations, to go through them with mindfulness and loving kindness. Living this way is a blessing.
Jagdish P Dave
On Mar 29, 2023Melissa Pegley wrote :
I like imagining a permeable circle, arms length around my body. My future generations stand in front of me, my kids, their kids - or it could be nieces , nephews or any young people you have connected to. Behind me are my ancestors gently supporting with a hand on my back, my parents, grandparents, great-grandparents etc . To my left are my friends & contemporaries who travel life with me and to my right are my teachers who guide me. Above my head and all around is my higher power, my spiritual belief , my higher self interconnected with all and below is Mother Earth , grounding me and connecting me to all nature. This brings me comfort and a great sense of interbeing and interconnected , alone with are very small, connected we are infinite.
On Mar 24, 2023 Jagdish P Dave wrote :