By Nature innately & inner-netly from origin each human soul is a bundle of divine positivity without exception.This is exactly the eternal search & spirituality we all practice. One who realizes it is the Master/Messiah. Everybody of us is thus a potential Master with such a firm belief-faith.The moment this happens the world becomes full of life,worship,love, grace,passion, devotion,alive & vibrant. The very outlook & perception changes to Change everybody-everything-everywhere for a fulfilling life. We get connected in a single worldwide web with compassion,sympathy & empathy. Still as an ardent student, I see Sant Kabir had that profoundness in the most down to earth style.Belief-Behaviour-Business can help deliver the promised land.
I relate Sun to the human Soul as Sunny. It is the eternal Light and the mystic Sound of our being.Our being is inside,innate & an inner-net. Its a natural agent ever shining illumination and glowing brightness.It energizes and stimulates the real sight of "Who Am I" enlightening the whole thing clear and visible to the third eye effortlessly. Personally I surrender, submerge into this original source eliminating the duality. The reality dawns. "Shivohum Shivohum ShivSwaroopohum.Nityohum-Shudhohum-Budhohum-Muktohum. ChidAnand roopah". Its neutral joy-Love- affection-compassion, sympathy & empathy for every one-every time-every where-everything.
Our roots is the soul,the eternal life force full of peace,purity,power ,love & harmony. Just go internal to realize all this and get it hearing the melodious music inside. This is beautifully permanent while enjoying the transitory external world.For me this is like finding the meaning,truth and purpose of the invaluable human life without loosing anything at all but only gaining- benefiting fully from the Nature.
I relate: Adopt thoughtlessness & practice mindfulness. Impermanence is the only permeance. Thoughts are bodily-connected with self while consciousness is just soul without any self.Kabir said the path to God(soul) is so narrow that only one can exist either I or HE.Meditation on such mindset and "AMAR ATMA HAI MARANSHEEL KAYA, SABHI PRANIYO KE HAI BHITAR JO SAMAYA" helps indeed.
"If you wish to find yourself (God) lose yourself in the service of humanity" said MKGandhi.When you serve with head-heart-hands you get more than what you give.Human life is an opportunity to be full of gratitude,generosity, sympathy & empathy. These are the natural innate attributes of our eternal SOUL.Achievement of this is my Vision,Mission, purpose, story and meaning of life.
Soul the life force/inner self is permanent.Eveything else external is impermanent.Learning to Attach with the soul detaching from the body,its manifestations & all things external is my goal.False feeling of deficiency is the source of attachment while soul itself is all powerful and self sufficient."Shivohum Shivohum ShivaSwaroopum.Nityohum,Budhohum, Shudhohum,Muktohum"is the meditation supported by breath to slowly become/remain soul conscious always.
No advice but only sympathy and empathy with head,heart and soul.
WHO AM I ? Body-physical, external & mortal or the life force Soul-latent, inner and eternal ?Thus Substitute is for the body. Not for 'I'- Shivoham, Shivohum-Shivaswarupoham.Nityoham,Shuddhoham,Buddhoham. Advaita Ananda Rupam, Arupam.Brahmoham,Brahmoham,BrahmaSwarupoham.Chidoham,Chidoham, ChidanandRupaha.Google search for the meaning. Either decide just to meditate on 'I' or get into the debate of body substitute at all ? Cheers with love.....
Beyond my understanding,creating more confusion than resolving it. Let us demystify the mysticism of spirituality. Let us not complicate it further & further.Let us help ourselves the common beings you and me with simple ,straight easy to follow guidance from the enlightened. Love
DIL SE. DILWALE. DILARAM (Dil+AaRam ) When we connect soul to soul ,it is relaxation,Its Ram, All souls being full of love,peace,power & purity without any artificiality. I find genuine hugging(human touch) is always from heart.
Mind fullness makes you aware of your strength as well as weaknesses. Cheers,
Solitude is good for me as it is a 'Dil Ki Baat', Dil Ka Dil Se and Dilaram ( Dil + Ram + Aaram).It connects head,heart and hands with the soul.This brings out a natural smile of happiness and peace while connecting with anybody to create a mutual bond.Every soul is just abundance of purity,power,joy and love.Meditating on the innate,ever present qualities of the soul- the very life force may prove quite helpful to develop our own inner self on a solid sound footing.
On Dec 27, 2017 Sunil,Bangalore wrote :
"Death has not taken birth and Life never dies".Such total eternality of self consciousness (Atman) is in fact that Temple & God really we are longing for and nothing else. I have found this earnest search is the key to the practical spirituality.You are in everybody and everybody is in you made possible by an undivided expanded heart.This is only and simply the love,compassion, sympathy & empathy connecting all in a single worldwide web.