Reading Archives (Author)

Inner World of Moods

Patty de Llosa

“Give me a place to stand on," said the Greek mathematician Archimedes, “and I can move the world.” He was talking about his invention of using pulleys and levers to raise ...

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Is It Really Worth It?

Patty De Llosa

It’s been difficult to accept that I’m often a battleground for several sides of myself, which seem to act in opposition to one another. Is there any solution to feeling so divided? Krishn...

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38K reads, 17 comments

Making a New Start

Patty De Llosa

Making a new start isn’t starting ‘again.’ There’s no ‘again’ about it. New is new. But by now I’ve learned how quickly I slip back into the old, so making ...

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28K reads, 8 comments

Mighty in Contradiction: Love Powerfully

Patty De Llosa

As we see more deeply into our inner drives and defenses, we discover that the choices we are faced with aren’t all black and white. Life teaches us that our decisions aren't necessarily base...

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30K reads, 14 comments