Awakin Mumbai

Local Events

In December, we had a 1-day Retreat with 40 inspired change agents from Mumbai neighborhoods; coming up in February, we are hosting an evening of inspiration with 300 friends.

Seva Café: Volunteers gather periodically to serve meals with generosity, whenever a suitable restaurant or community space is made available. Here is a blog from their first gathering in January and a video put together by a guest.

To serve, attend as a guest or simply stay in the loop, register here.

Art with Heart: These gatherings, usually held on the weekend involve volunteers making small expressions of beauty together. Creations from these efforts often go towards decorating Seva Café’s across the country, for retreats or simply as part of Wisdom Crafts as gifts to noble friends.

Retreats: Every four to six months, local volunteers will spend a weekend together (at the Gandhi Ashram), where we deepen our shared experience of "hands, head, and heart". This is inspired by various "Moved By Love" retreats in Ahmedabad (some stories).

Kindness: We usually convene at a pre-decided space and engage in a few acts of kindness like offering food or visiting a local non-profit to serve.

Recent Inspiring Stories

Circle of Giving, in Mumbai
Friendship Day in Mumbai
Seva Cafe at Shantivan
Gifts on a Birthday: a new trend that involves doing acts of kindness for birthdays of friends.