Speaker: Amy Krouse Rosenthal

Always Trust Magic...

Amy Krouse Rosenthal is a person who likes to make things: children's books, grown-up books, short films, salads, connections with the universe, something out of nothing, and wishes. According to The New York Times, Amy's award-winning children's books "radiate fun the way tulips radiate spring: they are elegant and spirit-lifting."

Her 20+ books for children include Plant a Kiss, Wumbers, Little Pea, Spoon, The Wonder Book, Cookies: Bite-Size Life Lessons, and Duck! Rabbit!.

Amazon named her adult book, Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life one of the top 10 memoirs of the decade. A contributor to the TED conference and NPR, she is currently the host and creator of Mission Amy KR.com produced by WBEZ.

Her short films include The Beckoning of Lovely, The Money Tree, The Kindness Thought Bubble, and ATM Always Trust Magic.

Join us on Saturday to for a delightful conversation with Amy !

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