Speaker: Reinaldo Pamponet and Madhu Anziani

Three Worlds: A Musical Journey

After an inspiring Awakin Call with Madhu Anziani last month, Reinaldo, Madhu and a few more heartful artists are coming back for a unique experiment -- A musical immersion into the three worlds of shamanic journey, through singing, chanting and drumming. 

About Three Worlds: As per Inca mythology, we inhabit three worlds simultaneously, and many other spiritual practices discuss the “middle path” in a similar way.  These worlds are said to exist within us and all around us:

  • Ukhupacha: the “lower world,” that of our unconscious and house of psychological wounds, ancestral baggage, past life influences, and as-yet-realized potential (snake energy)

  • Kaypacha: the “middle world,” which might define the tapestry for our everyday experiences; the primal energy of this world is survival, but when balanced and secure, we can focus on mindfulness and present-moment awareness (puma power).

  • Hanaqpacha:  the “upper world,” also known as the world of our becoming, future potential, and possibilities; this may also be a link to where our destiny or purpose feels in alignment with our actions, as if we are “divinely inspired” (condor symbolism).

Our hope is co-create a vibrational field for a deeper integration of the three worlds, within and without and we welcome you to join the experiment. Please note that this will be a 75-minute call, including some space for open-mic chants.   

About Reinaldo: Reinaldo Pamponet is a Brazilian social entrepreneur and an Ashoka fellow. After working with Microsoft for seven years in Sao Paulo, at the age of thirty, he founded “Eletrocooperativa” in 2004 in Salvador, an impoverished northeastern region of Brazil, to offer an innovative learning atmosphere to youth that better prepares them to be active members of society. After educating on themes related to sustainable development, they were challenged to engage their dormant creativity (like singing!) to produce digital multimedia content to drive social awareness, while also promoting their cultural arts and generating income. The project went viral and was later adopted by the government of Brazil. Building on that, he founded ItsNoon in 2009, a social network to connect people at opposite ends of the economic pyramid, helping those at the bottom earn income using digital technology. He’s recently moved to the United States with his wife and two children. Music has always been a integral part of Reinaldo’s life – spiritually, professionally and in community. He calls himself  “a terrible musician, a good singer” and one who can play almost any instrument, with his favourite being Afro drums.

About Madhu: Madhu is a gifted musician, composer, and sound healer. At the age of 23, a few months short of graduating with a degree in jazz and world music from San Francisco State University, a serious accident left him paralyzed from the neck down, incontinent, and unable to breathe on his own. From his hospital bed, he began to apply sound and energy healing practices, together with his family, discovering the true power of vibration to restore health. A few months later, he walked out of the hospital on his own two legs, an extraordinary healing journey featured in a book on energy medicine. Since his recovery, Madhu has been bringing harmony, vibration, and healing to the world as a vocal looping artist, hypnotherapist, sound healer, and ceremonialist. He is certified in sound, voice, and music from the California Institute of Integral Studies. He has also studied with elders and masters in multiple traditions, including the Pachakuti Mesa tradition of Ancestral Peruvian Healing Arts and Wisdom Healing Qigong. The many ancient languages in which he chants include Sanskrit, Tibetan, Shipibo, Quechua, and Hebrew. For his full bio and recent Awakin Call conversation/toning workshop, please click here.  

To join, simply RSVP below. You'll be able to see the Zoom link on screen, and it will also be emailed to you.

In service,

Awakin Call Volunteers  

P.S. Meanwhile, you can soak in a couple of recent clips from our guests - here and here

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