Speaker: Christopher Lowman

Learning To Serve With Love

Sometimes the introduction are best done in first person.  Here is Chris on his website

In 2011, I wrapped up the life I was living in the USA (giving up job, home, and almost all of my earthly possessions), to pursue a life of travel and service. You could call it a 'jump and the net will appear' like story but it wasn't quite like that, it wasn't a jump, it was more like a push.

It's a long tale and has to do with a life-altering experience I had in London in 1999 with an Ayurvedic doctor that caused me to abandon the career path I was on, as well as a mind and heart-opening experience I had in 2009 working with several hundred orphaned survivors of the Rwandan genocide.

Looking back at the relatively unconventional path I took, it's become clear that all along, through all the twists and turns, all the uncertainty, there was an intelligent underlying process at work preparing me for this time now, a time where the work I feel I was born to do -- bring compassionate care to the people of the world—is ready to come to fruition.

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