Speaker: Pierre Pradervand

Gentle Art of Blessing

Pierre Pradervand has worked for decades in personal development and social justice. His career includes work on nearly every continent. He is the author of The Gentle Art of Blessing: A Simple Practice That Will Transform You and Your World, in which he posits that making the conscious choice to bless every person or being around you can truly make a world of difference in yourself and in others around you. Drawing from his own personally transformative experience while engaged in international development work, through which he converted to joy his own resentment (that “was literally eating me up”) by consciously blessing his detractors, Pierre shows that the practice of blessing has the power to create more than just a renewed perspective. It unleashes tangible benefits throughout your entire life -- through your daily interactions, your life-long relationships, and in the way your approach your place in the world.

Pierre describes blessing as genuinely wishing the best for another person through seeing their individual worth and honoring them for it. By looking at several different perspectives -- providing spiritual inspiration from Hinduism, Taoism, the Koran, the Bible, and other important spiritual sources -- The Gentle Art of Blessing explores the potential in shifting one's attitude from confrontation and negativity to acceptance and enthusiasm. A powerfully simple way of perceiving and shaping our surroundings, blessings can reflect the unconditional love and acceptance that is necessary for world -- and inner -- peace.

Pierre writes a regular blog about the art of blessing, and facilitates numerous workshops. He draws upon an “I am Love” affirmation, meditation, or prayer, which he posits will be opposed by “the ego, the mental realm of the human mind imbued with Cartesian logic.” “Do not listen to them,” he says. “Let them simply pass like grey clouds in front of the clear blue sky. Welcome these affirmations with your spiritual sense. Listen to them deeply, from the heart. Fill yourself with their deeper meaning, without filtering them through human concepts. Just rest in them. Just BE these words.”

As a speaker and workshop facilitator, Pierre is often called upon to give talks on the topic of how to live differently. In his workshops, he provides personal development tools that empower everyone to find and strengthen their internal anchors.

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