Speaker: ServiceSpace Interns

What I Learned This Summer

Every year, ServiceSpace hosts a ten week internship for high school and college students.  Through the course of the summer, they are assigned weekly homeworks, reflections and unique practices -- all of them designed to nurture conditions for an inner transformation to arise naturally within them.

Listening to the young interns (even on our weekly calls!) is incredibly inspiring.  Nilay, 14 year old from LA, said he couldn't imagine sitting still for 5 minutes, but he was sitting for an hour everyday by the end of the summer.  Priyal, Jocelyn and Mira, a sophomore in high school, made Wrists to Remind at Karma Kitchen and learned the art of connecting with strangers.  Vishesh, who interned with Google last summer and was building a mobile app for ServiceSpace this summer, couldn't resist doing routine act of kindness -- from breakfast in bed for his parents to singing a song.  â€‹Priya, who just started her first semester UC Berkeley, ended up sitting a 10-day silent meditation retreat for the first time in her life.  At an unique Awakin Circle, Priyal teared up and said how it was perhaps the first time she experienced love beyond words.  

Each intern was paired with a mentor, and it is safe to say, mentors often felt like interns learning from these young hearts!

On this call, we will get a snapshot into service and stillness journeys of the summer interns, while listening to their perspectives on challenges and solutions they anticipate for creating a compassionate society.

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