Speaker: Linda Commito

Love is the New Currency

A few years ago, Linda found herself discouraged everytime she watched or heard the news. Once as she sat in meditation, she received a message  “Love is the new currency”.Inspired by these words, Linda began a three year journey to discover what was hopeful and meaningful in people’s lives and what they were doing to create it. 
Linda says, “I was compelled to write a book – to share the gift of these incredible stories of how everyday people are changing lives through ordinary and extraordinary acts of love and kindness.” 

Linda Commito grew up in New England where she received a BA in English from Stonehill College. Her passion for connecting people has been integral to her success as an elementary school teacher, entrepreneur, facilitator, consultant, author, and speaker. Her first book "Love is the New Currency" received the 2012 EVVY Award as a top inspirational book by CIPA (Colorado Independent Publisher's Association)

Linda often shares enthusiastically about discovering a new measure of wealth, one that increases the more you give it away. She envisions a Currency of Love that is more enduring and valuable than paper or metal, and innately feels that more important than money, is what we can do with it, our connections to people, a sense of community! 
Through her heart-inspiring stories, she is fulfilling her dream of making a positive contribution to the planet and leaving this world a kinder, more loving, and interconnected place. 
Join us to hear more about Linda's inspiring journey ...

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