Speaker: Audrey Lin

Invisible Kindness

Love letters on flower shaped sticky notes, vegan chocolate chip cookies that can turn anyone into a cookie monster, a sunburst smile that will light up even the wariest of hearts, and a million and one acts of invisible kindness – there is no simple way to capture the boundless spirit of Audrey Lin.

Those that have crossed her path have surely been “tagged” by her immeasurable generosity, whether it’s chocolates left on your doorstep, a delicious, a surprise, home-cooked meal, bright, yellow sunflowers delivered to your office, or all of your laundry folded into neat, little stacks with joyful messages stuffed in between.

Those that have been lucky enough to spend time with Audrey have surely been moved by her unconditional love and her fearless commitment to truth. Audrey’s unconventional journey has inspired her to embark on a walking pilgrimage from Berkeley to Santa Clara’s Kindness Temple, live as a monastic in the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, serve with Moved by Love in Ahmedabad, India, and be Nimo’s awesome Partner in Kindness during the “Empty Hands” music pilgrimage across the United States.

To an outsider, it may seem like Audrey was simply born into a beautiful and blessed life. But to an insider, observing Audrey’s path unfold through her practice of fearless faith and selfless service has been deeply inspiring and moving.

It’s been said that invisible service is love made visible. Please join us this Saturday to hear more heartwarming stories about this incredibly beautiful spirit.

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