Speaker: Sarah Van Gelder

Unity in Diversity

As co-founder and Editor-in-Chief of Yes! Magazine, Sarah has been at the forefront of positive and solutions-driven activism. With articles like '10 Hopeful Things That Happened in 2013' and 'Cooperative Way to a Stronger Economy', Sarah speaks on leading-edge innovations that show that another world is not only possible, it is being created.  In handling wide ranging topics from the new economy to alternatives to prisons to food systems to education, her work fuses powerful new ideas with practical solutions.  Along the way, she has interviewed Pete Seeger, Winona LaDuke, George Shultz, Harry Belafonte, Vandana Shiva, Chris Hedges, Danny Glover, and many other known and unknown leaders who are working to create a better world.

As part of her community involvement, Sarah volunteers on the Port Madison Reservation where she lives, working with the Suquamish Tribe on enhancing the quality of life for all area residents. She is co-founder of Suquamish Olalla Neighbors where she co-led a statewide effort to return the home of Chief Seattle to the Suquamish Tribe. She is also a member of the board of directors of the tribally-chartered Suquamish Foundation.

Sarah has traveled and lived in Latin America, India, China, and Central America. She was a founding board member and resident of Winslow Cohousing, and previously was a television and radio producer, a community organizer, a classical Indian dancer, and founder of a cooperative of food co-ops that linked organic farmers to urban markets.

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