Speaker: Claudia Horwitz

Spiritual Activism

Claudia Horwitz was one of the first people to speak about the concept of “spiritual activism” and is the author of “The Spiritual Activist: Practices to Transform Your Life, Your Work, and Your World.” (Penguin 2002).  Having stepped down from the Executive Director role at stone circles in 2013, Claudia is now finding new ways to serve as trainer, facilitator, writer and teacher.  Above all she is committed to supporting individuals and groups in a process of transformation.

When Claudia was organizing on economic justice issues she began to notice many unsustainable patterns both within herself and her peers.  As a response, she founded stone circles at The Stone House, an organization and 70-acre retreat center in North Carolina committed to strengthening and sustaining people working for transformation and justice.  Since 1995, stone circles has birthed innovative retreat, training and leadership programs, as well as The Stone House – a unique place dedicated to the inextricable links between individual and collective liberation.

Please join us on 12th of April to learn more about Claudia's exciting journey...

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