Speaker: Ian Watt

Youth and Social change

They're just 17 year old students -- but they already found a calling in service, are talented musicians and filmmakers and launched a website (actually a movement) that reflects their spirits: Love is the Answer  In their words, "LoveIsTheAnswer is a platform for talented people directing their skills towards a movement.  We celebrate creativity and problem solving!"  Take a look at their video on their international volunteering, and how they're making a difference: 

So what goes on through the minds of service-hearted teens these days?  On Saturday, the 1st of September, not only will we find out, the our two interviewee's will themselves be teens -- ServiceSpace interns and prior guest speakers, Neil and Dillan!

JG Larochette

JG Larochette

Oct 17, 2015

Healing Children and Communities One Breath at a Time

Phuoc Le

Phuoc Le

Sep 22, 2018

HEAL-ing Others and Paying Forward the Blessings

Aryae Coopersmith

Aryae Coopersmith

Sep 26, 2015

Raising the Sparks: Retrieving the Hidden Light Around Us