Speaker: Ilonka

Spreading Positive News

Turning on television news or reading newspapers can often times give us the impression that the world is a dreary place and there is nothing positive happening. Ilonka knew this was not true and so she and her friend John started a publication as a gift to the world, free of cost with the pure intention of spreading  the message that another world is possible.  

When a friend asked her about the "business plan" behind this newspaper, Ilonka recalls having an inner dialogue with the Universe, "“I only want to print this newspaper if it’s meant to bring more love and care into the world. I know nothing about how to do it and I ask 'You' to help me trusting that Positive News will continue for as long as it serves well.”  Trusting the Universe and having faith, Ilonka continues to nourish this Labor of love publication and today it has editions in UK, Hong Kong, Spain, Argentina, Germany and US! Their "non-business" plan not only worked but rippled across the world!

Wonder where her spirit of service comes from? This story about her mom says a lot about her roots.  Ilonka is all about spreading happiness and love in the world - whether she is dancing with grannies or pouring her heart editing the latest edition of " Positive news."

This Saturday, we'll have a great opportunity to hear the story behind Ilonka's extraordinary publication.

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