Speaker: Ken Fuchsman

Embracing our Contradictions

Ken Fuchsman, Ed.D. is a Viet Nam veteran who, after his experience in the war as well as memories prompted by the fighting of the second Iraqi war, faced some very
dark parts of himself. In plumbing the depths of these experiences he was impelled to research the nature of the human condition.

At present he is an Assistant Professor at the University of Connecticut teaching a course and writing extensively on what it means to be human from interdisciplinary perspectives. We are, he believes, creatures of contradiction, a kind and killing species. No other life form is as benevolent and malevolent as are homo sapiens. While we are the only primate to murder adults within our own group and who know enough to commit genocide, we can also advance and lift each other through the wages of reconciliation and collaboration.

In many ways our darker destructive side may be entwined with our loving and creative side. To sustain being in the light of compassion and authenticity, we can be helped by a journey through the darkness to self-knowledge and our common bond with all of humanity.

Join us Saturday March 15 for a rich discussion across many disciplines to learn how society has transformed the conditions of existence so that more and more people become self-actualized.

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