Speaker: Tracy Cochran

Journalism and Social Change

Our Forest Call guest this week will be: Tracy Cochran, the executive editor of Parabola magazine.  Her articles and book reviews have appeared in places ranging from New York Times to Oprah Magazine to Psychology Today.  She has herself the co-author of Transformations, and her stories have been included in anthologies including The Best Spiritual Writing series. In addition to working in publishing and in the film industry, Tracy has been a longtime student of mindfulness meditation and aspires to help make mindfulness become part of our culture and daily life. She is a long standing member of the Gurdjieff Foundation of New York and serves with Spirit Rock Meditation Center in California.

This Saturday, we get to hear stories of a story-teller herself, as Tracy weaves together her profound spiritual past with some remarkable real life experiences that have guided her service journey.

If you'd like to join the call, please RSVP and you'll be emailed the call-in information as we get closer to the date of the call.

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