Speaker: Quaglia

Innovative Community and Spirituality in Action

Damanhur is a vibrant and evolving spiritual eco-community based in northern Italy that values optimism, solidarity and peace. With about 1,000 citizens and members worldwide, Damanhur has been active since 1975 and has its own complementary currency system, constitution and schools. Damanhur was given the Sustainable Community Award as a model for a sustainable future by the UN Global Human Settlements Forum. The citizens of Damanhur created the underground Temples of Humankind, a vast sacred space dug into a mountain with breathtaking visionary artwork to reawaken the Divine Spark.

Quaglia is the first American-born citizen of Damanhur, and she has ethnic origins in Taiwan and China. At Damanhur, her activities have spanned from Public Relations, social media, translation and event organizing to serving as Temple guide and artist. A Spiritual Healer with a passion for leading journeys of awakening through dance, Quaglia’s chosen spiritual pathway at Damanhur is Sacred Dance. Quaglia is also a facilitator for ‘What's Your Tree' – a program founded by Julia Butterfly Hill to define your life mission and activate it in service. Quaglia holds a BA in Interdisciplinary Studies: Human Rights in Developing Countries – from the University of California at Berkeley, and she has recently returned to the San Francisco Bay Area, serving as a point of connection for Damanhur.

Please join us on Saturday the 21st of September to learn more about Damanhur and Quaglia's journey..



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